A Sun by Alfred Latour for Edgar Allan Poe's Eureka (1923).
Monday, December 21, 2009
A 1905 portrait of the Empress Dowager Cixi. The embodiment of the Empress card.
This lovely image, taken from a late 15th century Book of Hours from the Netherlands, recalls the Strength card.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
These engineering inspired playing cards, designed by American civil engineer William Barclay Parsons, caught my eye. Above is a two of diamonds.
This is a five of clubs.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This is an early 19th century theater poster showing actor Edward A. Gomersal portraying the Blood Red Knight. It makes a wonderful Knight of Swords.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"People always ask me if I 'believe' in Tarot cards. It's pretty easy to do: I own five decks of them. What they mean, of course, is 'Do you believe that Tarot cards can tell the future?'" —Rosemary Edghill, Bell, Book, and Murder